
Meet Dara

Last summer I heard the story of Cho, a Tibetan refugee, who walked by nightfall for two months to India from a Chinese-occupied Tibet. I was studying abroad in northern India and this service project, a simple language and culture exchange, was meant to serve as an integration method to help prepare us for living in a nearby village. However, for me, hearing his story had a profound impact. Cho told me: “Please tell others my story. I want others to know”. I remember wishing that I had the tools and the proper platforms to get his story out into the world, and not just my small connections to it.

Before I met Cho I understood how important personal storytelling and digital media could be in personal development. While living in New York City I volunteered to teach digital photography to inner-city junior high students. The transformation that occurred was stunning to watch – my students became more confident, it gave them a changed perspective on their world, and it excited them to learn more. It created passion. After meeting Cho I decided that I wanted to do more service for youth, and to help them find their voice in our ever-changing world.

This passion for service also propelled my interest in global education. Following university I moved to Kumasi, Ghana to work for an American NGO where I ran peer mentoring programs in rural villages. I spent seven months there working within the school systems, learning Twi, traveling West Africa, and hearing people’s stories. It was during this time that I learned about The Modern Story Fellowship, and knew that this would be the perfect next step for me to explore additional educational systems, listen to more people’s stories, and to also return to a country that I love.

I think that global education is an ongoing dialogue; it bridges cultural and religious gaps to achieve learning and understanding. I love teaching because I love being a part of that dialogue, and because I never want to stop learning about the world. I am so excited to be a part of The Modern Story, and for this new adventure!

Sultan Bazaar School Final Videos

Twenty-four hours and several Bollywood films after leaving Hyderabad, Ilana and I landed safely at JFK airport in New York City today. We still have lots to write about our final weeks in India, though, so you’ll keep hearing from us here. One important thing we have to share are our students’ wonderful final projects! The first batch comes from our pilot program at Sultan Bazaar Government Girls High School, in collaboration with the American India Foundation.

Our class at Sultan Bazaar involved small groups of teachers and students working together to learn digital technology skills and create multimedia projects that could enhance their learning/teaching experiences in regular curriculum subjects. As you will see in the videos below, this format proved to be an effective and accessible way to introduce such digital tools to participants unfamiliar with cameras or computers.

Ilana and I are excited to have been part of developing this model in TMS’s work and truly looking forward to see how TMS builds on our work in the next year. For now, enjoy this first series of curriculum-focused projects created by TMS students!

Cotton Project from The Modern Story on Vimeo.


Natural Resources Project from The Modern Story on Vimeo.


Triangle Project from The Modern Story on Vimeo.

Aliens, Fear, and a Goodbye Poem

Thursday afternoon I arrived at the Railway school feeling tired. Ilana and I had trekked to Nalgonda for the last time Wednesday before and Thursday morning held an unexpected session at Sultan Bazaar, after finding out at 9:30 am that Friday’s scheduled class would not be possible.

When we began the class, Ilana and Asma each had a group of 7 girls editing videos (two computers for thirty girls makes a “stations” approach necessary), while Neha and I took the rest of the students outside for more time using the video camera. At first they were going to interview some of the tenth class students. In recent weeks our girls have conducted several teacher interviews for their final project about choices and decision-making, as well as two fantastic interviews with Google staff members during our recent field trip. (Have you watched Monika’s interview on Vimeo yet??) But after the first interview Thursday I could tell that the eighth class girls needed a change of pace.

So Neha and I divided our students into groups of five and instructed them to create one-minute silent skits of the following scenario: they are in a village and an alien lands there. (Thank you to Mira Dabit, a Palestinian storyteller who shared this idea in my children’s art class in Nablus.)

Amidst giggles and a few “Really, no words??” responses, the girls set to work planning their dramas with little need for guidance. When they were ready, each group performed their skits for the others, with one or two girls filming. All three groups portrayed a scary creature arriving to break up a group of girls working or playing. The actresses reacted to the alien with fear and violence. Here’s an example:

Alien Landing! from The Modern Story on Vimeo.

After watching all of the performances, we applauded all the groups, and I asked the students to separate into their acting groups again.

“Okay!” I declared, “I want you to make a skit that starts the same way: you’re playing in a village, and an alien lands there. But this time, I want you to pretend that the alien is friendly. Show us what happens.”

Looking a bit more pensive but nevertheless full of ideas the girls got back to planning and rehearsing. Again the groups performed with students filming. Here’s the second skit from the same group as above:

The Friendly Alien from The Modern Story on Vimeo.

Coming together for a wrap-up, I asked the girls what emotions we saw in the two sets of scenes. For the first set, they identified happiness in the village, fear when the alien arrived, and anger directed toward the alien. In the latter scenes, the girls identified happiness, friendliness, sympathy, and sadness (when the alien left).

“That’s great,” I told them. “You demonstrated a wide range of feelings in your scenes. So now tell me something…Why are you afraid of aliens?!” The girls burst out laughing and shouted things about aliens being gross or mean or harmful. I asked if they knew any aliens. “In movies!” they replied.

“Sometimes things we don’t know are scary,” I said. “You didn’t know me six months ago…Were you afraid of our class?” Some of the girls ardently shook their heads, while others raised their hands with wide eyes, clearly recognizing the difference between how they felt in August and how they feel about TMS class now. I said something teacher-ish about how much we’d learned and shared with each other, and how even though some things we don’t know are scary, they can be really exciting, too. The girls were silent for a rare moment, looking at me with smiles.

After that we watched the videos they’d just shot and joined the rest of the students in the science lab, where some other girls recited a poem they’d written for me, Ilana, Asma, and Neha:

Railway Girls Goodbye Poem from The Modern Story on Vimeo.

As I listened to our students’ effusive goodbye, I reflected on my own feelings about our class, and how the lessons I really loved teaching were the ones where digital media skills were not the end goal, but the means through which we encouraged the girls to explore their world, to expand their imaginations, and importantly, to express themselves freely. The success we’ve had in those pursuits showed clearly to me during the alien skit exercise. When I left Railway Thursday afternoon I was no longer tired; I was inspired.

Final Videos from Communities Rising Workshops

Arriving back from Pongal break last week, Ilana and I jumped into a long task list in our final push to complete projects and classes. We took the Railway girls on a field trip to the Google office in Hi-Tec City and had our last class and celebration with the boy at APRS. The students at Railway and Sultan Bazaar have been working hard to finalize their videos, and we’ll have screenings and celebrations with them tomorrow and Monday.

Before all the Hyderabad hubbub, though, I completed TMS workshops at Communities Rising in Tamil Nadu, and also had a final screening and celebration there. I am proud of the projects the students created in such a short time frame, so this morning I’m taking a few minutes to share them here.

At Communities Rising I worked with three different sets of students. The first video was envisioned and produced by Siva, a participant in the staff workshop I conducted. Siva is a computer teacher at CR’s after-school program in Periathachoor village. The video addresses the issues of fear and corporal punishment in schools and will be used by CR as a tool for promoting positive disciplinary tactics. Siva made both an English and Tamil version of his project.

Fear (Bayam) from The Modern Story on Vimeo.

As Ilana and I have experienced in our other classes, having a committed local teacher involved with TMS activities exponentially improves our effectiveness as digital storytelling instructors, both because of translation and the ability for the youth involved to continue learning when our program ends. After his own training, Siva played a crucial role assisting me as I taught photography, video, and editing skills to two groups of children in the Periathachoor after-school program. All of the equipment and software we used belongs to CR, and I know that Siva will continue guiding his young students through creative video projects in the coming months.

In the two projects below I created lesson plans that focused on practicing English skills while learning digital technology. My goal was to provide a model for meeting two of CR’s educational objectives–they emphasize literacy, math, English and computer skills–in an engaging way.

The following video shows two of five emotion dramas performed and filmed by 6th through 8th class students.

Emotions from The Modern Story on Vimeo.

The next video focuses on the English alphabet. Fourth and fifth class students explored letters visually with the cameras and verbally by reading on film.

ABC Movie from The Modern Story on Vimeo.

Communities Rising’s college volunteers created the final three videos, in which they discuss their life experiences and perspectives on CR’s role in education for youth in rural India.

Fire at Communities Rising from The Modern Story on Vimeo.

An Engineer from a Village from The Modern Story on Vimeo.

Education at Communities Rising from The Modern Story on Vimeo.

Works in Progress: Sultan Bazaar

It’s hard to believe Ilana and I have already had six classes at our Sultan Bazaar workshop! The teachers and students have made quick progress. Last week they completed storyboards, production plans and scripts.

Sultan Bazaar Government Girls School

Class storyboard practice (Photo by Kara)

Sultan Bazaar Government Girls School

The natural resources group hashes out a production plan based on their storyboard (Photo by Kara)

After two 1.5-hour production sessions this week, the groups are nearly finished filming and photographing for their curriculum-based multimedia projects. This workshop is operating on a low-budget model using two Canon Powershot cameras, one Flip HD video camera, and a tripod. Below are some highlighted photos by each of the groups. Click on the project title to view the rest of their photos in TMS’s Flickr photostream.


Cotton Plant

Cotton Plant

Sari Shop


Visualizing Triangles

Visualizing Triangles

Visualizing Triangles

Natural Resources

Natural Resources

Natural Resources

Natural Resources

Now that they have their project content, it’s time to teach editing skills. We’ll use Windows Live Movie Maker in the Digital Equalizer computer lab that AIF installed at the school. I’ve already been impressed with the girls adeptness at uploading photos and video, so I have high hopes for the strength of their final projects!

Meghana’s Dream

When I ask the typical question, “what do you want to be when you grow up” to my TMS students or other kids I meet in Hyderabad, the most common answer is software engineer. It makes me wonder what the answers were before the IT boom hit Hyderabad. Below I’m posting a homework assignment by one of my students, Meghana. The prompt was, “Think of one thing you are good at. Imagine that for one day you are the best in the world at that thing. Write about your day!” I’m surprised how sometimes we give short directions and the students totally get it, while other times, we try to give lots of direction and it’s confusing. Meghana’s response is not specific to one day but she does give many other clear details about her future goals. Though it’s not a digital story yet–it’s leading up to a project Ilana and I are calling “About Me & Super Me”–it is a modern story in its reflection Hyderabadi youths’ goals, as well as economic and societal expectations.

As some of my students like to write at the beginning of their assignments, please read and enjoy the story:

Meghana, Railway Girls High School

I think one day that i became a good worker in one good company as software engineer. I have to do good work in America. After some day’s and i come to India, first i see my parents. they should feel very happy. I buy one ‘car’ and my parent’s, my grandmother and my sister should go in that car. It is my dream. I should think I the best in the world and my aim. I will do that aim. On that time my parent’s feel very happy. I shall thank parent’s and my teacher. I shall thank to my project work teacher’s also. Again I should built one house. This is my ‘dream.’

A Very Belated Eid Mubarak

We’re back! Ilana and I have resumed classes at APRS boys’ school in Nalgonda, after an extended break for Ramzan and exams. We spent the past three days there, and after a one-day break we’ll be heading there again for the weekend. To introduce the photo slideshow project (see the photos from the first stage on Flickr) Ilana brought her Vizag and Vijayawada slideshows to share with the boys, and I created one of images of Islam around the world. A few of the photos came from my own collection from Palestine and Jordan, while the rest I found online, such as these photos from Ramadan in Sudan and Turkey:


Photo by Vit Hassan, taken in Northern Sudan


Photo by Vit Hassan, taken in Northern Sudan

Sultanahmet - Iftar 01

Photo by Erik N., taken in Istanbul

The boys were especially excited to see photos of Saudi Arabia, being the site of two holiest cities in Islam, Mecca and Medina. But they were surprised by the range of other countries I showed pictures from, as they searched our class globe for Singapore, Argentina, and the United States.

That evening for homework each member of the class wrote a description of how they celebrate Ramzan (or Ramadan) here in India. Although Ilana and I were around to taste haleem (well, Ilana did anyway–I’m vegetarian), talk to people about the experience of fasting, and even take advantage of some holiday sales, what better way to introduce the full experience than with the writings of our boys? We were quite pleased with the detail of their descriptions, and we hope you enjoy and learn from them!



Our Ramzan.

By Bari

We are Muslims. In the ramzan Muslims will be Raza! Raza means we are not eat food and drinking water with 5 am to 6:30 pm. We  eat food at 5 am that is (saher) and to Namaz to pray and read Quran. 6:30 pm in the raza we will do IFTAR. Iftar means we will eat (khajoor) means dates and some fruits this is called IFTAR.

Quran is our holy book. Its come to Ramaz month. It is the gift of God. We will give respect to Quran. We will leave Raza on 30 days. After 30 days we will do one festival that festival name is EID-UL-FITUR means we will go to EID-GHA and pray the Namaz. This namaz is read at 7:30 am. Namaz is over we will give to shake hand and hugging and say each other (EID MUBARAK) we will go to our home and eat food and drink sheer korma. Sheer korma is very famous in ramazan. Sheer koroma means the milk and shewiya means like a (magi, noodles) we will got our relatives house and we will do salam and say EID Mubarak. This is called our Ramazan festival.



Eid-ul-Fitr, My story

By Siraj

Ramzan Festival

I will wake up on the festival at 5:00 am and go to brought the milk for Sewiyah. I brought 15 litres of milk for the Sewiyah. After that I will take a bath a have fresh. And wear the new clothes. We take the Itar (spray) on the new clothes. It was scent like a spray. After we will go to the (Eid-gah) the big mosque for the prayer. After the prayer we will back to home.

There was a my favourite and special sweet of the (Eid) festival was Sewiyah. I take one cup and drink it. My mom was cooking the Sewiyah very special. In the ramzan the Sewiyah was very special. After the drinking sewiyah we eat food of chicken biryani and curd. After we will go to meet the relatives. We shake hands and say (EID MUBARAK) to each other. After we meet our friends and enjoy. We will take (Eidi). The EIDI the gift to the childrens the relatives and parents gives. My father give me 150 rupees of (EIDI). We will enjoy the lot of the ice-creams, cakes, and burgur. After the enjoying I will get back home and eat the chicken biryani and go to the sleep.

Elephants & Ants!

With the Railway school’s TMS classes on hold as the girls sit their quarterly exams, Ilana and I have a chance to catch everyone up on what’s been happening in our classrooms lately. At Railway we teach separate classes with 16 girls each. We plan our lessons together, which allows us to give each other feedback on which elements worked and which didn’t.

In our first few weeks we focused on introducing digital photography. After our basic lessons using diagrams (on/off button, lens, shutter, display, etc.) and group camera practice we introduced the idea of framing–“what you include or exclude from the picture.” We gave each girl a paper frame and took them on a walk around the courtyard. As they held up their frame to imagine what they shots they would take they started to understand that they have the power to decide what’s inside the frame.


Lalitha, Jayashree, Krishna Veni (8th year students in Kara's class)

Explaining “composition” and “perspective” the next day proved to be a bit more difficult. We’ve learned from more recent lessons that the girls understand definitions and also homework instructions much better if we print them out. Railway is an English-medium school, but our American accents are difficult to keep up with!

Additionally, the girls had some difficulty imagining that the elements they were including in their pictures could be arranged in different ways. We didn’t want to leave them confused but also wanted to keep class proceeding to new activities and concepts, so Ilana and I came up with an exaggerated example for the girls to practice and wrap-up composition and perspective in the next class.

We divided each of our girls into small groups, each of which had a camera and a task: take photos of things around the schoolyard…as an elephant or an ant. Half the girls had to look through the lens as if they were tiny crawlers and half as if they were galumphing beasts. Some of the results are below, and you can check out more photos in the Elephants & Ants set on our Flickr page!

Ant's Perspective

A new vANTage point

Ant's Perspective

Another ant shot

Elephant's Perspective


Elephant's Perspective

Hello, elephant

The girls are also making great progress with storytelling and expression (more on that in the coming days), but they are always eager for more time using the cameras!

Spoken Word Poetry. Our girls deliver!

The Modern Story students at the Railway Girls School have been busy with the creative aspects of their film. As a teacher in this program, I wanted to ensure that the girls voices’ and stories are given ample time for growth and expression. As digital video curriculum programs elsewhere acknowledge, the largest amount of time spent for a video project should be on the creative aspects. Our girls can write. Their humor, strength and absolutely adorable mischief shows through in their first set of spoken word poems dealing with women empowerment.

We will soon be facing the giant challenge of tackling limited working computers, viruses, power outages, and short class time precluding sufficient post production editing. However, with these strong poems and beautiful videos I am confident that The Modern Story is already succeeding in bringing these girls’ voices to the fore of their community as they reflect on local issues that are felt across the globe. This has been an immensely rewarding experience so far and I hope others get to share in the project’s goals and activities in the future.

Check out the video below.


Also, for those interested, friends of ours at The Cairo Human Rights Film Festival, run by Dalia Ziada are about to launch their exciting series of events. Check them out if you are in the area: http://www.cairofilm.org/


Islam and India: Student writings on world faiths and recent floods


The boys pose in front of their mosque nearest their boarding school

I asked the students to write about a special memory they had. Munna, a student whose group project was on religion, misinterpreted the assignment and wrote to me: Religion is like memory (for) anyone who cannot see with his eyes, he sees with his mind.


A temple near The Modern Story's fellows' apartment in Abids

When asked, ‘If there was one thing you would change about the world,’ Krrish responded: I would convert the whole world to Islam. I asked him what he would do if he met someone who believed in a different religion and did not want to be converted. He said, ‘I would respect him. But I would tell him how he was living was wrong.’ In response, Krrish will be exploring how the diversity of religions in India relates to him by working on fictional conversations, a dialogue, that he would imagine to take place between himself and people of different faiths that he meets. His responses reminded me a lot of the delicate discussions I took part in with World Faith in Lebanon following the 2006 war. Arbani, an energetic small 9th grader, will be exploring religion through a graphic novel he is working on. He is a visually oriented student who cannot wait to draw and is always sketching something in his notebook. He will be exploring religious tensions in his community, Hyderabad, and India through a series of illustrated stories that I hope to be posting soon.

Near APRS Boys boarding school in Nalgonda outside Hyderabad, India

A Hindu temple near the Muslim APRS Boys school

Another student, Khasim, wrote a poem about the afternoon sunlight near the mosque where he prays:

Afternoon comes
it goes
to the river to ride on buffaloes
to the big animals
and enjoys them all
This way the afternoon, like a crow, enjoys the whole day.

Both religion and issues related to health including dengue, malaria and the recent floods seem to be issues that concern the students on a daily basis. Nadeem, for example, wrote about those Indians that have had to deal with the heavy rains this summer:

Mud in our homes
Mud in our beds
Mud in our bones
Where do we eat.
Where do we sleep.

Sajjid, a student that has a lot of experience with cameras and has been patiently waiting his turn to show his skills, wrote the following about the floods in Andhra Pasha.

There is a man
in the water
in the (midst) of his poverty
floating on the flood
There is a man
by the water
eating all the money.

Osmania Hospital in Hyderabad, India

One theme students will be exploring this semester is health. This is a photo of one of Hyderabad's most famous hospitals: Osmania

Arshan had one of the most poignant insights into the crossroads between religion and the floods in Andhra Pasha in his letter to the Chief Minister:

“Look at how the people are before the flood. Look at how they collect money to help. People go to the Mosque, the Temple, the Church and they all come away with money to give to people of the flood.”